Rough Collie - Standard

General appearance:
The collie must immediately conquer as dog of great beauty and has to show, from a standstill, a impassive dignity with each region of the body in proportion to the whole.
Its structure must unleash strength and agility with no trace of coarseness. The expression is of great importance. In considering relative values, it is obtained by perfect balance and combination of skull and muzzle, the size, shape and color of eyes, correct position and carriage of ears.
Friendly disposition with no trace of nervousness or aggression.
Head and Skull:
The qualities of the head and skull are of great importance and must be considered in proportion to the size of the dog. Viewed from the front and in profile the head should resemble a wedge well-rounded and clean, harmonious lines. The skull should be flat. The sides of the head should taper gradually and smoothly from the ears to the black nose, without prominent cheek bones or pinched muzzle. Viewed in profile, the upper lines of the skull and muzzle lie in two parallel straight lines and, of equal length, separated by a slight but perceptible stop. A middle point between the inside corners of the eyes (which corresponds to the center of a correctly placed stop) is the center of balance of the head longitudinally. The end of the muzzle must be clear and well-rounded, blunt but not square. Lower jaw strong, well-cut. The depth of the skull from the front to the bottom of the jaw must not be excessive (deep in height). The nose must be black.
They are an important feature and give a sweet expression to the dog. Must be of medium size (never too small), with listing a bit oblique, almond-shaped and dark brown, except that for the blue merle in which the eyes are frequently (one or both, or part of one or both) blue or blue flecked. Expression full of intelligence and when the dog is listening look is alive and attentive.
The ears should be small and not too tight nor too laid sideways. When the dog is at rest are usually thrown back; but when the dog is alert are brought forward, semi-erect, that is, with approximately two thirds of the ear erect and the last third tipping forward naturally, below the horizontal.
Teeth of good size. Scissor bite.
Should be muscular, powerful, of fair length and well arched.
The shoulders should be sloped and well angulated. The limbs straight and muscular, neither protruding nor falling to the elbows, with a steel frame of moderate thickness.
The hind legs should have muscular thighs, clean and sinewy, stifles well modeled. The hock placed low enough and very powerful.
Must be oval in shape with good soles, fingers curved and tight. The hind feet less arched than the front.
The tail should be long and the bone end of it must reach at least to the hock joint. The tail is carried hanging with the tip slightly facing up when the dog is at rest, when the dog is excited, it can be carried gaily but never exceed the topline.
The movement is distinctly characteristic of this breed. A dog has never the solid at elbows, otherwise it moves with the foot relatively close to one another. Plaiting, crossing, rolling are seriously undesirable. The hind legs from hock to the ground, when viewed from behind, must be parallel, but not too close; viewed from the side the movement must be dissolved. Powerful rear, with push. It is preferable a stride rather long, which should be light and no apparent effort.
Quite long compared to its height. Firm back, slightly rise over the loins, ribs well sprung, chest deep and fairly broad behind the shoulders.
The coat should give harmony to the forms of the dog. It’s very dense, with coat harsh to the touch; The undercoat is soft as a fur and very compact, so as almost to hide the skin. The mane and frill should be very abundant; the muzzle the hair should be smooth and the same applies to the ends of the ears, but they must have long hair towards the base. The front legs should be well furred; rear furred in profusion over the hock, but not below this. The hair on the tail is very abundant.
The three recognized colors are: white and sand; tricolor; blue-merle. Sand. All shade from light gold to rich mahogany shaded sand. The shades straw or cream are very undesirable. Tricolor. Predominantly black with rich tan markings about the legs and head. Undesirable reflections are red on black. Blue-merle. Predominance of light blue, silver, spotted or marbled with black. Rich tan markings are preferred, but the absence of these should not be penalized. Are completely undesirable large black spots, the slate-colored or red streaks on the outer coat or undercoat.
White spots:
All coat types mentioned above must have the white spots typical collie in proportions varying sizes. Are desirable, the following markings: white collar full or partial pectoral white legs and white feet, white tail tip. A blaze may be on the muzzle or skull or both.
Males: from 56 cm to 61 cm at the withers. Females: from 51 cm to 56 cm at the withers.
Any difference from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault is regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
The males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
